Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects about 2% of people worldwide. It causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. It affects approximately 2% of the world’s population. The condition is often chronic and can cause severe discomfort.
There are two types of psoriasis: plaque psoriasis and guttate psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is characterized by raised, red, scaly patches that form thick layers of skin. Guttate psoriasis is described as small, round, red spots that appear on the skin. Both forms of psoriasis can affect different areas of the body.
Causes of Psoriasis?
The exact cause of psoriasis isn’t known yet. However, it may be caused by genetic factors or environmental triggers such as stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, family history, certain medications, sun exposure, obesity, and infections.
Here are some common symptoms of psoriasis:
1) Redness – This symptom occurs in both plaque and guttate psoriatic lesions. In addition, it may also be present in normal skin surrounding the lesion.
2) Scaling – A scaling sensation will occur when excessive dryness or irritation around your lesion.
3) Thickening – Your lesion will become thicker over time. As they get larger, they’ll begin to look like plaques.
4) Pain – You might experience pain from itching or burning sensations.
5) Pustules – Small bumps called pustules sometimes develop under the surface of the skin. They result from inflammation and infection.
6) Crusting – Over time, your lesion may crack open, forming crusty scales. These scales fall away, leaving behind raw, bleeding tissue underneath them.
7) Blood Stains – Lesions with bloodstains usually indicate more severe problems such as bacterial infections. If this happens, seek medical attention immediately.
8) Skin Infection – Sometimes, bacteria invade the area where your lesion /plaque appears. When this happens, pus develops beneath the skin.
9) Nail Changes – Some patients report changes in their nails. For example, nail beds may turn white or yellowish.
10) Hair Loss – Patients who have scalp psoriasis may notice hair loss.
11) Joint Problems – Because psoriasis tends to spread into joints, you may notice joint pains.
12) Depression – People with psoriasis tend to feel depressed because of how much it hurts.
13) Sleep Disorders – Many people with psoriasis suffer from sleep disorders due to stress caused by their illness.
14) Weight Gain – Although many people lose weight while suffering from psoriasis, others gain extra pounds.
15) Increased Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke – Studies show that people with psoriasis are at increased risk for heart attack and stroke.
16) Diabetes – There has been evidence suggesting that having psoriasis increases one’s chances of developing diabetes.
17) Reproductive Issues – Women with psoriasis are twice as likely to have reproductive issues than those without the condition. Men with psoriasis are three times as likely to have reproductive difficulties compared to men without it.
18) Hormonal Imbalance – Researchers believe that hormonal imbalances could play a role in causing psoriasis.
19) Other Medical Conditions – Having other health conditions makes someone more susceptible to getting psoriasis.
20) Stress – Chronic stress can trigger are-ups in people with psoriasis.
21) Sunburn – Exposure to sunlight can increase the severity of ps
22) Smoking – It’s unknown if smoking causes psoriasis, but studies suggest it worsens existing cases.
23) Alcohol Use – Drinking alcohol can make psoriasis worse, so avoid heavy drinking.
Treatments for psoriasis?
Psoralen + UVA Light Therapy The combination of ultraviolet light therapy and topical treatments work best together. UVB rays kill off the cells on top of the skin, which helps prevent new cell growth. Topical creams help keep the affected areas moisturized. Phototherapy works well for milder forms of psoriasis. However, severe cases require systemic treatment.
Surgical removal of the entire epidermis layer of skin is used to treat psoriasis. The procedure requires general anesthesia and takes about 6 hours. After surgery, the patient must wear protective clothing until healed. Immunosuppressants Drugs like cyclosporine, methotrexate, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, and leunomide suppress immune system activity and reduce inflammation.
Biological therapies include TNF inhibitors, IL-1 antagonists, Janus kinase inhibitors, p40 sub unit inhibitors, JAK3 inhibitors, phosphodiesterase four inhibitors, B-cell depletion agents, and CD8+cytotoxic T lymphocyte antibodies. These biologic agents target specific pathways involved in the development or progression of psoriasis. They do this through either inhibiting inflammatory cytokines or depleting critical components of the immune system responsible for triggering an overactive immune response in patients with psoriasis. In addition, these biological agents can be administered orally rather than intravenously.
Combination Treatments
For moderate to severe psoriasis, doctors often combine different treatments, including phototherapy, immunosuppressive medicines, retinoid derivatives, vitamin D analogs, steroids, and calcipotriene ointment. Some physicians also use lasers to improve the appearance of redness and plaques. Home Remedies You don’t need expensive medical equipment to get relief from your psoriasis.
You may want to try some home remedies that are easy and affordable. Here are a few you might consider trying:
• Epsom salt baths – This mineral-rich bath will help draw toxins out of the body and calm down itching. Mix 1 cup warm water, 2 cups Epsom salts, and ten drops of essential chamomile oil into a large tub filled halfway up with hot tap water. Soak in the mixture for 20 minutes at least three times per week.
• Vitamin C supplements – Take 500 mg daily vitamin c twice a day along with diet changes. It has been shown that taking vitamin C before bedtime improves sleep quality.
• Exercise regularly – Regular exercise reduces fatigue and increases energy levels. Try walking or swimming three times weekly. If you have arthritis, consult your doctor first.
• Aloe vera gel – Apply aloe vera externally for soothing effects. Make sure you buy pure aloe gel without any additives.
• Hydrocortisone cream – Apply hydrocortisone cream two to four times daily to relieve itchiness and dry patches. Avoid using steroid creams during pregnancy.
• Calamine lotion – To ease pain caused by irritated skin, apply calamine lotions frequently. Before trying any remedies, please consult your doctor; some might take it to worse!