Gender Creative Parenting – Is it an ideal Option

    Gender Creative Parenting
    Children and parents drawing on pumpkins

    Stopping gender bias from home

    What is gender creative Parenting?

    I think it’s important to understand that gender doesn’t mean anything outside of our culture. We live in an age where gender roles are changing rapidly. Raising a kid free from gender expectations is possible, but it takes work and effort.

    How To Raise A Child Free From Gender Expectations?

    1) Teach them that everyone is unique and special

    2) Talk about equality between men and women

    3) Be open-minded and tolerant of others

    4) Allow them to explore their sexuality freely

    5) Give them lots of hugs and kisses

    6) Let them express themselves however they see fit

    7) Encourage them to speak out against sexism whenever they encounter it

    8) Make sure they get enough sleep

    9) Spend quality time together every day

    10) Have fun playing games together

    Does gender matter in parenting?

    Parents often assume that if a baby has two parents, both must be male. However, babies come into the world either born to single mothers or born to married couples where one partner gives birth. Babies are usually assigned a father at birth by hospital staff when no parent is present.

    So why do some children grow up thinking they were adopted instead of having biological fathers?

    Some children raised by same-sex parents report feeling different from other kids, and others worry about being gay or lesbian. Still, others wonder how their families will fit together once Mommy and Daddy split up. If you’re raising a son or daughter, here are three tips to help create a loving home environment regardless of which parent stays behind.

    1. Don’t compare your family to anyone else’s. Everyone brings something unique to their life, including strengths and challenges.

    2. Be supportive of each parent’s choices. Even though it might feel uncomfortable, try to accept that your spouse isn’t perfect. You can still love them despite the differences between you.

    3. Focus on building strong bonds with your kids. In addition to spending time together, make sure to spend quality time alone, which helps build trust and closeness within the family.

    Is gender-neutral parenting a good idea for children?

    The answer is yes. It’s not just okay to be neutral, and it’s the best thing you can do as a parent. We are taught that boys and girls have different roles in life. We learn about them early: boys play with trucks; girls playhouse. And then there’s sports and science and math. Boys like cars, girls prefer dolls. Boys like building things. Girls want pretty dresses. Girls need help when they get hurt, and boys don’t cry. It seems so simple, but this kind of thinking has been ingrained into
    us since birth.

    But what if your child doesn’t fit these stereotypes? What happens when your son wants to build something or take apart his truck engine instead of playing princess dress-up? Or maybe he prefers to wear pink rather than blue jeans. How will you know how to respond?

    Gender Creative Parenting
    Back view of a blonde Caucasian woman sitting next to a girl drawing dress sketches

    How can I help my kids be more comfortable with their bodies and the world around them?

    One way is by being aware of the messages we send out every day through our words and actions. As parents, we teach our children from infancy on up, and if we tell them one note over and over again, they’ll start believing it. So let’s look at some examples of joint statements that reinforce stereotypical ideas about gender.

    “You’re such a girl!”. This statement tells your daughter she isn’t interested in anything masculine, and she should only care about her appearance and clothes. This leads to inadequacy because she needs to change herself to please others.

    “Boys aren’t supposed to…”.If you say “babies aren’t allowed to touch each other” or “girls shouldn’t go outside alone,” it conveys that girls are less capable than boys. These kinds of rules make girls feel powerless and limit their choices, and they also encourage girls to hide who they indeed are.

    “Girls can’t…”.If you think girls can’t climb trees, throw balls, ride bikes, run fast, jump high, etc., you may discourage your daughters’ natural abilities. You might even try to convince them that those activities are somehow dangerous and unsafe. Studies show that girls suffer fewer accidents than boys! But research shows that most injuries happen while doing boyish activities. “He/She looks nothing like him/herself.” We all see ourselves differently based on our own experiences. However, when people talk about someone else, they use terms specific to their own experience. For example, someone with dark hair and brown eyes would probably be black-haired and green-eyed. Yet another person could identify themselves as blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

    So do you notice yourself using any of these phrases? Are you sending mixed signals to your kids? Do you find yourself saying things like “he likes to cook,” “she loves to read”? Instead, consider telling your kid precisely what you mean — without making assumptions about their interests or personality traits. When talking about your child, remember that everyone sees them differently. Your child may not always agree with your assessment of their talents or preferences. That’s okay. Try letting your child
    decide for himself whether he agrees with you or not.

    Why do we need to talk about sex education now?

    Sexuality is an essential part of growing up. It’s normal to have questions about sexuality, and the best place to get information is from trusted adults close to your child. And there are lots of ways to learn about this topic: books, movies, friends, teachers, family members, health professionals, coaches, and so much more.

    What does your school offer?

    Most schools provide sexual education classes during elementary school years, and some middle schools and many high schools include lessons on puberty and relationships. Check with your local public library or school district office for details.

    How can I teach my teen to respect women?

    Teens today face new pressures to conform to social expectations. They also struggle with issues related to body image, self-esteem, peer pressure, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, depression, suicide attempts, eating disorders, promiscuity, pregnancy, abortion, divorce, domestic violence, dating violence, bullying, cyberbullying, rape, pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, transgenderism, and even pedophilia. These problems affect girls just as much as boys. But because society tends to view
    girls as weaker than boys; most people don’t realize that young ladies experience these difficulties.

    Teaching teens to value themselves takes courage. Parents who take the lead role in teaching respect toward all genders and races show their children what true equality means. Here are five things every parent should know to raise respectful daughters:
    Teach your sons to treat women respectfully. Boys benefit greatly from learning positive values such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, responsibility, empathy, compassion, generosity, and kindness, and girls benefit equally from learning those traits. When you set good examples for your sons, you give them excellent tools for treating women well.

    Tell your daughters that men and women deserve equal rights. Young women significantly benefit from hearing messages like “I am proud of you” and “You can accomplish anything.” As long as girls aren’t taught that specific jobs belong only to males, they’ll never understand that working hard doesn’t mean giving up femininity.

    Encourage your daughters to speak out against sexism whenever they see it happening. Letting your child know she’s not responsible for fixing the problem makes her less likely to get discouraged. Instead, encourage her to share information with friends so everyone knows the issue exists. Help your daughter develop confidence in herself. Encouraging your girl to believe in herself builds character and strengthens relationships. Help her learn to stand up for herself without becoming aggressive or bossy. It may seem contradictory but encouraging your daughter to have an opinion
    while avoiding arguments teaches her to think before speaking.

    Be aware of your attitudes toward women. Your attitude affects how you interact with your wife and daughters. Are you jealous of her success? Do you belittle her accomplishments? Or do you praise her for everything she does? The more you appreciate your wife, the better your relationship will be.


    If your kid has gender issues, you may want to consider a name change. A new study found that parents who named their child with a masculine first name were more likely to raise boys who were aggressive than those who gave girls a boy’s name. Researchers say this may be because parents subconsciously prefer sons over daughters. Gender-Creative parenting is an ideal option to go for and the best way to raise your kids in this century.


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