A disease that toiled the whole world!
The Virus that has a crown Coronaviruses are viruses that cause respiratory infections such as colds and flu. They are named for their crown-like appearance under an electron microscope. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to severe respiratory diseases such as SARS and
MERS. The Coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It has since spread around the world and infected millions of people.
People who get sick with COVID-19 may need hospitalization. There is no specific treatment for COVID-19.
What is the History Of Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The Virus spread rapidly throughout China and then to other countries. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global pandemic. As of April 1, 2020, there were over 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide. The Virus has spread rapidly throughout China and other countries. As of March 11, 2020, there were more than 100,000 confirmed cases worldwide.
How Coronavirus is named?
The Virus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It was called 2019-nCoV at first, then renamed COVID-19. Different strains of Coronavirus. The coronavirus family has been around since the 1960s, but only recently did it become a global pandemic. There are six known strains of coronaviruses, including the one that causes COVID-19. Coronavirus Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) Se severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARSCoV) COVID-19.
The Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases like SARS and MERS. The Virus that causes COVID-2019 is called SARS-CoV2. Symptoms include fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Most people recover within weeks, but about 14% of cases lead to death. The coronavirus family includes four genera: alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-coronavirus. 229E and OC43 are members of the alphacoronavirus genus. NL63 and HKU1 belong to the betacoronavirus group.
What are the Symptoms of Covid-19?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The cough that people experience is a dry one. The shortness of breath can feel like tightness in your Chest. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19. Older adults and people with severe underlying health conditions are at greater risk for serious illness. You should get tested if:
– You have any symptoms of Coronavirus.
– You were within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more.
– You’ve been somewhere where you’re more likely to be exposed.
– You’ve had contact with someone who has COVID.
What are the Precautions to be Taken?
One must maintain social distancing of about a meter from another person.
Use sanitizer with 80% alcohol content. Wear a mask that adequately covers your mouth and nose. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Vaccines are the best way to protect against COVID-19. If you get the vaccine, you lower your chances of getting COVD-19 by 91%. It would be best if you talked to your doctor about getting the vaccine.
What is the Impact of this Pandemic?
The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything about how we live, work, and play. It has forced us to adapt to new ways of doing things. One of those changes is how we interact with each other. We are no longer able to gather in large groups. We must practice social distancing. This means that we cannot meet face-to-face as often as before. We must rely on technology to communicate with one another.
Many people are using video calls to connect with their friends and family. Video calls are great because they allow us to see each other’s facial expressions and body language. They also let us hear each other’s voices. However, there are still times when we need to talk to someone face-to-face. For example, we might want to ask them a question or hug them. Or maybe we just want to say hi. When we do this, we should use a video calling app like Zoom. Zoom allows us to make video calls from our computers, tablets, or smartphones. We can even make these calls from our smart TVs.
Conclusion: What the WHO says about the pandemic?
– One thing we need to take away from this pandemic is to get better at what WE do every day.
– We need to honor those who have died by getting better at what WE do every day.
– This pandemic has taught us how important it is to get better at what WE do every day.